Die Liebe der Danae
Composer Richard Strauss. Libretto von Joseph Gregor unter Benutzung eines Entwurfs von Hugo von Hofmannsthal.
recommended for ages 16 and upHilarious mythology in three acts (1952)
In German language. With German and English surtitles. New Production.
Duration est. 3 hours 20 minutes
1. Akt est. 07:00 pm - 07:50 pm 2. Akt est. 07:50 pm - 08:30 pm Interval est. 08:30 pm - 09:10 pm 3. Akt est. 09:10 pm - 10:20 pm
Duration ca. 3 hours 20 minutes with one break.
The premiere will be broadcasted live on BR-Klassik radio.