

Choreography Sol León, Paul Lightfoot. Music Max Richter, Philip Glass.

Ballet in two parts (2005, 2010)

recommended for 14 years and older

Duration est. 2 hours

Information about the hall plan 
In Schmetterling, the orchestra pit is built over and used as an extended stage area. Therefore, in the 3rd tier and gallery , in the central seats in rows 3 and 4, there are viewing restrictions for about 70% of the 2nd act. You can see the hall plan here.

The two-part ballet evening Schmetterling combines two choreographies by Sol León and Paul Lightfoot, Silent Screen and Schmetterling, which are among the defining works of their oeuvre. The successful artistic collaboration between the two choreographers dates back to 1989. Together, they have created more than 60 world premieres for the Nederlands Dans Theater (NDT), where they were resident choreographers from 2002 to 2020. Both works, Silent Screen and Schmetterling, are characterised by the unmistakable dance language of Sol León and Paul Lightfoot. This is characterised by technical sophistication and a pronounced sense of theatricality. All steps, gestures and figures are based on an emotional attitude, a narrative content or a poetic idea. As a result, human existence unfolds in both ballets as a specific experiential space that stretches between the lust for life and the awareness of death.
