Michael Pradel

Functional Training Coach (DTB)

Michael Pradel completed his vocational training as state-approved masseur and medical lifeguard at the Vogtland Academy Plauen in 2001 and treated the junior national team of the German swimming federation afterwards. He gained further practical experiences in the orthopedic, cardiologic and gynecologic rehabilitation among others in the Rheingau-Taunus clinic in Bad Schwalbach and in the Alpenklinik Oberjoch. From 2004 to 2012, Michael Pradel worked in Hannover at the Medical University for the outpatient and inpatient rehabilitation, the early rehabilitation in the intensive care unit, in student teaching and as sports therapist for athletes in the Olympic Training Centre Hannover. In the years after, he ran his own practice where he treated his patients individually as well as in groups and supervised sports teams preventive, in cases of acute and chronic pain syndromes and supported them during rehabilitation.

Michael Pradel is engaged with the Bayerisches Staatsballett since January 2019 for the physiotherapeutic care of the ballet dancers.

(Status: August 2020)



  • Stateapproved and certified masseur / medical lifeguard
  • Therapist of craniosacral osteopathy, of myofascial therapy, of reflexology therapy and of lymphatic drainage
  • Instructor for back training (KddR license)
  • Functional Training Coach (DTB)
  • Instructor Functional Training (DTB)
  • Instructor Cross Training (DTB)
  • Instructor Outdoor Training (DTB)
  • Instructor Sling Training