02:00 pm | Ballett-Probenhaus Platzl 7

Mädchen-SpielBallett: „Der Widerspenstigen Zähmung“



Mädchen-SpielBallett: „Der Widerspenstigen Zähmung“

In the run-up to family performances, extensive workshops are offered under the title "SpielBallett" to prepare the youngest audience members for attending the performance with their parents. The children learn about the content and music of the ballet in question. Together with dancers and staff from the children's and youth program, the children and young people experiment and improvise with the figures, scenes and music from the ballet in question, or work out scenes and movement sequences from the choreographies.

Tickets € 18,- after written registration here

In connection with the registration for the SpielBallett, tickets for a family performance of the respective ballet can also be booked through the Children and Youth Program up to two months before the performance date. No previous dance training is required to participate in the SpielBallett workshops.