The most important facts at a glance

You only have a few minutes and are looking for the decisive key data about Wagner's Lohengrin? The most important facts about the new production in compact form. What are the basics of director Kornél Mundruczó's production? In articles, picture galleries, podcasts and videos, we collect new impressions for you day by day. Check back regularly, this site is being updated on a regular basis. Enjoy!




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Hand aufs Hirn #4 with Margot Käßmann

In the fourth episode of "Hand aufs Hirn" Margot Käßmann talks about redeemers and redemption. What is redemption? Why do we overload idols and redemption figures with expectations and hopes? How did she herself fare as the regional bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hanover? And then as chairwoman of the Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany? How has the public image changed after your resignation? And why are there so many patriarchal savior figures in our world?


#11 How to Oper 

This time again in a double package: Both, Kathi Roeb and Linda Becker are back again in this episode of HOW TO OPER. They talk about Lohengrin and the famous ban on questions: He saves Elsa, but she is never allowed to ask what his name is or where he comes from. Whether an interpersonal relationship can work like that at all? Kathi talks to dramaturge Malte Krasting about Wagner's opera, about his addictive music and also about his abysses. She also takes a look behind the scenes and meets Paula Smejc, who gives us insights into the props department. You can lsiten in this podcast what a flex and pyrotechnics have to do with the new production of LOHENGRIN.


François-Xavier Roth

"With Richard Wagner, you can never separate music and theater - it only works together. He already told a lot about German culture and its legends in Tannhäuser. But in Lohengrin, an aspect of mystery and secret is added - and these mysterious stories make this opera unique."

Paris-born François-Xavier Roth is one of the most imaginative conductors today. In Cologne, he has led both the Gürzenich Orchestra and the opera as general music director since 2015.


Identity crisis around Lohengrin

In December, we want to be far away from Wagnerian opulence. In 2022, his contradictoriness seems much more relevant - a mirror of ourselves?


Kornél Mundruczó

Kornél Mundruczó, born in Hungary, studied acting and film directing at the University of Theatre and Film Arts in Budapest. Since 2003, his films have regularly debuted at the Cannes Film Festival.


Virgin, Lolita and Redeemer

She was adored, she fell, finally she rose again: from world star Britney Spears first became a figure of fun, then a feminist icon. What happened? A journey through two decades of pop and contemporary history.



Redemption with Gerhard Polt

Gerhard Polt is not infrequently referred to as a Bavarian primal animal. As such, the artist is of course familiar with the redemptive effect of humor, country-specific mercy bringers and purgatory. Before he reminds us of the Apocalypse in "Die Hölle," he spoke two bars with Apollo. Greetings.





Background information on the performance

Would you like to know more about Lohengrin? Take a look behind the curtain here, peek into the rehearsal rooms, into the workshops, or read on about the topics that are driving the production team of the opera premiere!