

Composer Toshio Hosokawa. Libretto von Toshio Hosokawa, nach dem gleichnamigen Nō-Theaterstück von Yukio Mishima.

Opera in one act (six scenes) (2004)

from 16 years and older

A cooperation between the Bayerische Staatsoper and the Haus der Kunst.

In English. With German and English surtitles. New Production.


Belgian choreographer Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui is no stranger to staging French opera at the Bayerische Staatsoper (Rameau's Les Indes galantes and Gluck's Alceste). With dancers from his Eastman company, he’s now working on Toshio Hosokawa's opera Hanjo for the Ja, Mai festival, where he focuses on a cultural world in which he has already immersed himself in earlier works. In TeZuka, for example, he got to grips with Osamu TeZuka’s Japanese mangas. At any rate he is driven by an intercultural interest, as with the Chinese Shaolin in his acclaimed piece, Sutra, or the communication between cultures in Babel (words). With Hanjo, Cherkaoui collaborates with Thai artist Rirkrit Tiravanija, whose works move between visual and action art, examine cultural and political action, or – as with his culinary performances – create a place of gathering themselves. Hanjo is conducted by Lothar Koenigs, who has already taken to the Bayerisches Staatsorchester’s podium in Munich, with both the Strauss repertoire and 20th century operas such as Wozzeck and Khovanshchina. For Hanjo, the Bayerische Staatsoper collaborates with Munich’s Haus der Kunst, where the production will also be performed.


Rirkrit Tiravanija's making of has never run in just one direction; it defies easy definition and is difficult to contain. This is why Tiravanija is not just creating an exhibition for Haus der Kunst, but forming connections in and out of the house and making overlaps with Toshio Hosokawa's opera Hanjo.


Rikrit Tiravanija in an interview with Katja Leclerc


Audiofeature on Hanjo 

The 12-minute podcast to prepare for the performance: The young woman with the fan comes to the train station day after day to wait for a man: A "case" that can even be read about in the newspaper. The Japanese composer Toshio Hosokawa found the material for his second opera Hanjo in a play by the poet Yukio Mishima from the 1950s, which in turn goes back to a model from the 14th century. Hanako, the girl who waits, in the home of a painter whom she loves. When Yoshio, the man, appears one day, it comes to a decision. - A dense chamber play, accompanied by refined fragile sound textures, to open the new year of the Ja, Mai Festival of the Bayerische Staatsoper

AUDIOFEATURE on Google Podcast
AUDIOFEATURE on Amazon Podcast

Observations on Hanjo