08:00 pm | Nationaltheater


Marius Petipa, Jacques Garnier, Marion Motin


#BSOseptemberfest, #BSBblickwechsel


Choreography Marius Petipa, Jacques Garnier, Marion Motin. Music Ludwig Minkus, Maurice Pacher, Maurice Ravel.

Three-part ballet evening

recommended from 8 years and older

The start of the 2023/24 season is celebrated with the UniCredit Septemberfest. The Bayerisches Staatsballett presents a three-part programme under the title Blickwechsel at the National Theater. The programme consists of the famous Grand Pas Classique of the ballet Paquita, Jacques Garnier's Aunis for three dancers and Marion Motin's realisation of Maurice Ravel's famous Boléro in her dance piece Le Grand Sot. This production could be seen last June at the Prinzregententheater. In addition, the supporting programme of the UniCredit September Festival offers visitors of all ages many opportunities for further encounters with the ballet company as well as the other artistic branches and trades involved in the productions of the Bayerische Staatsoper.

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