08:00 pm | Nationaltheater


Gabriela Carrizo, Franck Chartier




Choreography Gabriela Carrizo, Franck Chartier.

Physical theatre performance in three acts - 2020

The missing door, The lost room und The hidden floor

recommended for 16 years and older

We would like to point out that the music for all three pieces will be played from tape. If you have sensitive hearing, our admission staff will be happy to help you with hearing protection.

The dance theatre piece Triptych is composed of three parts originally created for the Nederlands Dans Theater: The missing door, The lost room and The hidden floor. The performance shows the thoughts of a man whose life passes by like a film. Accordingly, the stage set is composed of three film sets in which the characters are confronted with different realities. The cinematic style also characterises the soundscape: falling glass, slamming doors, a beating heart or the creaking and grinding sounds of a ship can be heard. With its dreamy poetry, Triptych. The missing door, The lost room and The hidden floor creates a fascinating mix of old and new means of theatre.

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Die Produktion basiert auf dem Tanzstück Adrift, das mit den Tänzer:innen des Nederlands Dans Theater 1 realisiert wurde: Chloe Albaret, Lydia Bustinduy, César Faria Fernandes, Fernando Hernando Magadan/Spencer Dickhaus, Anna Hermann, Anne Jung, Marne Van Opstal, Roger van der Poel, Meng-keWu, Ema Yuasa/Rena Narumi; mit der künstlerischen Unterstützung durch Louis-Clément Da Costa, Seoljin Kim und Yi-Chun Li.

Koproduktionspartner: Opéra National de Paris, Opéra de Lille, Tanz Köln, Göteborg Dance and Theatre Festival, Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles, deSingel Antwerp, GREC Festival de Barcelona, Festival Aperto / Fondazione I Teatri (Reggio Emilia), Torinodanza Festival / Teatro Stabile di Torino – Teatro Nazionale (Turin), Dampfzentrale Bern, Oriente Occidente Dance Festival (Rovereto)

Unterstützung durch die Flämischen Behörden

Triptych: The missing door, The lost room und The hidden floor wurde mit der Unterstützung des Belgischen „Tax Shelter“ der Regierung Belgiens realisiert.