Severin Brunhuber

Corps de ballet

Severin Brunhuber was born in Ingolstadt in 1998. At the age of five he moved to Romania and attended the German School in Bucharest. After moving to Bacau in Northeast Romania, he finished High School at Colegiul National de Arta „George Apostu“ in 2017 and received a diploma as choreography teacher and professional dancer. For the last two years of his education Severin was an external student, due to his studies in Munich. In 2015 Severin began his studies at the Ballet Academy of the University of Music and Performing Arts in Munich. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in 2018. Severin was a scholarship holder of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation. In the season 2018/19 Severin Brunhuber was a trainee at Bayerisches Staatsballett, before he joined the main company as a corps de ballet dancer in the 2019/20 season.

Information as of 2023

1. Prize (Contemporary Dance) International Ballet Competition „Attitude Ballet Festival“ 2017 in Bacau, Romania
1. Prize National Ballet Competition „Primavara Artelor“ 2017 in Bacau, Romania
1. Prize (Classical Dance) Olimpiada Nationala de Coregrafie 2016 in Bucharest, Romania
Award of the Ballet Theater Sibiu, 2015
1. Prize (Contemporary Dance & Quartet) Marele Premiu al PNC 2015 in Bucharest, Romania

Debuts with the Bayerische Staatsballett
Dancer in Swan Lake (R. Barra)
Dancer in Nutcracker (J. Neumeier)
Dancer in Coppélia (R. Petit)
Dancer in The Blizzard (A. Kaydanovskiy)
Dancer in Lady of the Camellias (J. Neumeier)
Dancer in Jewels: Diamonds (G. Balanchine)
Dancer in Spartacus (Y. Grigorovich)
Dancer in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (C. Wheeldon)
Dancer in Heute ist morgen: To get to become (P. Kratz)
Dancer in Junge Choreographen: Out of place (E. Liang)
Dancer in A Jour: Generation Goldfish (C. Edmonds)
Dancer in Wie der Fisch zum Meer fand (F. Angerer)
Dancer in Passages: Sweet Bones' Melody (M. Goecke)
Dancer in Paradigma: Bedroom Folk (S. Eyal)
Dancer in Passages: Affairs of the Heart (D. Dawson)
Four Fates in Cinderella (C. Wheeldon)
Count Paris in Romeo and Juliet (J. Cranko)
Demetrius in A Midsummer Night´s Dream (J. Neumeier)
Ferdinand in Tschaikovsky Overtures (A. Ratmansky)
Dancer in Schmetterling (Sol León und Paul Lightfoot)
Dancer in La Bayadère (P. Bart, M. Petipa)
Dancer in L´Éternité Immobile (N. Paul)
Gardener in Le Parc (A. Preljocaj)
Dancer in Duato/Skeels/Eyal: White Darkness (N. Duato)
Dancer in Duato/Skeels/Eyal: Autodance (S. Eyal)
Dancer in Sphären.02: Un Trait d'Union (Angelin Preljocaj)