07:30 pm | Prinzregententheater

SPHERES.01 | Goecke



SPHERES.01 | Goecke

Contemporary ballets by Marco Goecke and choreographers of the younger generation, curated by Marco Goecke.

recommended for 12 years and older

In the new series Spheres in June 2023, ballet director Laurent Hilaire focuses on the younger generation of dance makers. The aim is to trace connections within a choreographic "sphere" and to derive elements of a possible dance language of the future. The first edition is curated by Marco Goecke, who, together with ballet director Laurent Hilaire, chose the three choreographers for the first edition in summer 2023. The programm will also include Goecke's All Long Dem Day to the music of Nina Simone's  Sinnerman. All Long Dem Day was created for the Junior Company of the Berlin Ballet School in 2015 and will now be danced by the Bavarian Junior Ballet Munich and staging will be supervised by a ballet master of Marco Goecke. Invited to participate in the first edition of Spheres.01 are the choreographers Franz Diaz, Nicolas Paul and Marion Motin. Motin will be showing an exerpt of her piece Le Grand Sot. 

The performances at the Prinzregententheater are very popular and show the broad spectrum of artistic signatures with which ballet is shaped today. Narrative, abstract, improvised, classical and performance art elements are used and show the direction in which ballet could develop.