Composer Richard Wagner. Libretto by Richard Wagner.
Romantic opera in three acts (1845)
recommended for 17 years and older
In German language. With English and German surtitles. Premiere 21.5.2017.
Duration est. 4 hours 45 minutes
1. Akt est. 06:00 pm - 07:10 pm Interval est. 07:10 pm - 08:00 pm 2. Akt est. 08:00 pm - 09:10 pm Interval est. 09:10 pm - 09:50 pm 3. Akt est. 09:50 pm - 10:45 pm
In context of Opera for all there will be a live broadcast on Max-Joseph-Platz at the same time as the performance of at the Nationaltheater.
Information concerning Opera for All: The local council has ruled that the following items may not be brought into the event: hard and bulky items, such as glass bottles, chairs and stools. Umbrellas are an exception. Please note that dogs are not allowed. We recommend travelling to the location via public transport. On 9th July 2017, for the duration of Opera for All (from around 3 pm - midnight), the number 19 tram will be diverted. The underground car park at Max-Joseph-Platz will be accessible until 7 pm, but closed during the event.
This performance will be broadcast via STAATSOPER.TV from 9.45 pm and at the same time via Arte.
Admission for Opera for all is free!