07:00 pm | Nationaltheater


Richard Strauss




Composer Richard Strauss. Stefan Zweig after "Epicoene or The silent woman" (1609) by Ben Jonson.

recommended for 15 years and older

Opera in three acts

In German with English and German surtitles.

Duration est. 3 hours 30 minutes

1. Akt est. 07:00 pm - 07:50 pm Interval est. 07:50 pm - 08:20 pm 2. Akt est. 08:20 pm - 09:20 pm Interval est. 09:20 pm - 09:45 pm 3. Akt est. 09:45 pm - 10:30 pm


Cantankerous outbursts and unpredictable temper tantrums are everyday events in the life of the well-to-do Sir Morosus, who reacts with enormous hypersensitivity to all kinds of sounds and noises, be they bell ringing or the music of an opera troupe ushered in by the unexpected return of his long-lost nephew Henry. He almost beats his housekeeper to death and disinherits Henry for devoting his life to this noisy art form, but the cunning barber and the other members of the troupe cook up a perfidious little farce about an allegedly silent woman for Morosus to marry, but the relationship turns into a nightmare.

In his first opera after the death of Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Richard Strauss composed the music to Stefan Zweig’s adaptation of The Silent Woman by Ben Jonson, regarding this work as his only comic opera. 

[Translate to English:]

Am 22.7.22 findet im Rahmen des Strauss-Schwerpunkts 1 Stunde vor Vorstellungsbeginn in der Rheingold-Bar ein Vortrag statt.
Zu beachten: Dauer ca. 30 Min, Teilnahme auch ohne Eintrittskarte für die folgende Vorstellung möglich.
Hier finden Sie mehr Infos. ​​​​​​​