07:30 pm | Nationaltheater

Dido and Aeneas ... Erwartung

Henry Purcell / Arnold Schönberg



Dido and Aeneas ... Erwartung

Composer Henry Purcell / Arnold Schönberg.

recommended for 14 years and older

Opera in three acts / monodrama in one act (1688/89; 1909)

In English and German with German and English subtitles.

Duration est. 1 hours 45 minutes

Introductions take place 1 hour before the performance (22nd of July at 6:20pm) on the first tier in the anteroom to the royal box.
Limited seating available, duration approx. 20 min.


The creative team surrounding director Krzysztof Warlikowski has a long history of successful collaboration that has taken them to all of Europe’s great opera houses.

At the Bayerische Staatsoper the team last staged Salome in almost the same configuration in 2019. For the DidoandAeneas ... Erwartung double bill, Małgorzata Szczęśniak is again designing the stage and costumes, as she has for all of Warlikowski's productions since 1992. For more than 20 years Felice Ross has been responsible for the lighting design for the team's opera productions. Kamil Polak, who won an Oscar in 2008 in the Animated Short Film category, designs the videos, and dancer and actor Claude Bardouil is in charge of movement direction – tried and tested as always. Dramaturge Christian Longchamp, also connected to the team by numerous projects at other theatres, is now also working for the first time in Munich.

Warlikowski is also connected with the singer now embodying both roles, Dido and the Woman, Ausrine Stundyte. They celebrated highly acclaimed success at the Salzburg Festival in 2020 with Elektra, and the singer has been a regular guest in Munich since 2015, most recently appearing as Regan in Reimann's Lear in 2021 and Jeanne in Krzysztof Penderecki's The Devils of Loudun in 2022.


Dido and Aeneas
  • Bayerisches Staatsorchester
  • Projektchor der Bayerischen Staatsoper
Opernballett der Bayerischen StaatsoperAaron Amoatey, Ahta Yaw Ea, Amie Georgsson, Moe Gotoda, João da
Graca Santiago, Serhat Perhat, The Thien Nguyen
Bayerisches Staatsorchester Continuo

Jacopo Sabina, Theorbe
Giulia Cantone, Barockgitarre
Emanuel Graf, Jakob Spahn, Violoncello
Patrick Milne, Cembalo

InterludeMusik:  Paweł Mykietyn
Gesang:  Maria Magdalena Gocał
Tontechnik und Abmischung:  Jarosław Regulski