02:30 pm | Nationaltheater


Christopher Wheeldon




Choreography Christopher Wheeldon. Music Sergei Prokofjew.

Ballet in three acts (2012) by Sergei Prkofjew (Cinderella, op. 87) and Nikolai Wolkow

recommended for 8 years and older

British choreographer Christopher Wheeldon, long since also well renowned in Munich returned to the Bayerisches Staatsballett in the 2021/22 season with his version of Cinderella. With the composition by Sergei Prokofiev (Cinderella, op. 87, Libretto by Nikolai Wolkow), Wheeldon (associate artist of the Royal Ballet London) has once again created an imaginative and loveable narrative ballet for all generations. The piece, developed in 2012 as a co-production of the Dutch National Ballet and the San Francisco Ballet, celebrated its German premiere in Munich in November 2021. 
Wheeldon remains true to Grimm’s original Cinderella fairy tale with his choreography. More than forty dancers relate the story of the poor girl and her wicked stepmother – complete with spectacular balls, ornate shoes and an insistent prince. Similar to that already applied in Alice’s adventures in Wonderland, with wit and imagination Wheeldon manages to illustrate a world in which not only the characters open up directly to the audience – so too do the associated underlying themes, such as transformation and development. Set designer Julian Crouch draws for the stage set and is also responsible for the 360 costumes, which afford the choreographic work an impressive background framework. 


  • Ensemble of the Bayerisches Staatsballett
  • Bayerisches Staatsorchester
CINDERELLA - Ensemble c) S. GherciuCINDERELLA - Julian MacKay, Shale WagmanCINDERELLA - Julian MacKay, Madison YoungCINDERELLA - Elvina Ibraimova, Bianca Teixeira, Jinhao Zhang c) S. GherciuCINDERELLA - Ensemble c) K. LotterCINDERELLA - Jinhao Zhang, Séverine Ferrolier c) K. LotterCINDERELLA - Maria BaranovaCINDERELLA - Ensemble c) S. GherciuCINDERELLA - Ensemble c) K. LotterCINDERELLA - Maria Baranova, Osiel GouneoCINDERELLA - Ensemble c) S. GherciuCINDERELLA - Ensemble c) K. LotterCINDERELLA - Ensemble c) S. GherciuCINDERELLA - Ensemble c) S. GherciuCINDERELLA - Prisca Zeisel, Elvina Ibraimova c) S. Gherciu