07:00 pm | Nationaltheater | PREMIERE


György Ligeti




Composer György Ligeti. Libretto by György Ligeti and Michael Meschke, based on the play La Balade du Grand Macabre by Michel de Ghelderode.

Opera in four pictures (1978, revised version from 1996)

recommended for age 14 and older

In English language. With German and English surtitles. New Production.

Duration: approx. 1 hour 50 minutes no break

Introductions for Le Grand Macabre will be held on Jun. 28 and on Jul. 1, 4, and 7, one hour prior to curtain in the Capriccio Hall. 
Please note: Limited seating available, duration approx. 20 min.

Tickets for the 60-minute introductory matinee on Jun. 16 for Le Grand Macabre are available separately.

The premiere will be broadcast live on the radio on BR-Klassik.

Duration: est. 1 hour 50 minutes without interval


Apocalypse: Nekrotzar, the title-giving grand macabre, has climbed out of his tomb and come to Breughelland to proclaim the end of the world. He claims he is death (we speculate: could it be pure bull?). But the Breughellanders frustrate his apocalyptic plans and hellish omnipotence fantasies. Heavily intoxicated, Nekrotzar’s apocalypse is averted, hemmed in by all manner of social chicanery, which indulges pure hedonism in all its facets. Nothing is inconceivable or taboo here. Also intoxicated, Breughelland believes itself to be in heaven, where everything entirely earthly of course then takes place. Ashamed and embarrassed, Nekrotzar creeps back into his tomb. Death is therefore dead. Time for eternal life. In heaven as on earth. The Last Judgement has come. All will die, just not today for sure. The piece described by György Ligeti himself as anti-anti-opera is criss-crossed with historical music quotes, extreme coloratura arias, thorny rhythm, peculiar use of instruments and all kinds of heightened elements. It will now be performed at the Bayerische Staatsoper for the first time.


  • Bayerisches Staatsorchester
  • Chorus of the Bayerische Staatsoper


„Grandios klöppelt und sirrt das Bayerische Staatsorchester, kompetent geleitet von seinem ehemaligen Chef Kent Nagano. Eine überbordende Klangpracht, treffsicher serviert und vom Publikum gefeiert.“


„Warlikowski und Kent Nagano, der als ehemaliger GMD ans Nationaltheater-Pult zurückkehrt, leisten beide blitzsaubere Serientäter-Arbeit. Das Bayerische Staatsorchester bestätigt dazu seinen Ruf als eines der besten Opernorchester weltweit.“


„Getragen wird der Abend vom großen sängerischen Engagement eines grandioosen Ensembles..“


„Überhaupt geht man in die Knie vor dem Gesangsniveau.“

Abendzeitung München

„Alle singen so frisch wie Michael Nagy, der dem dubiosen Weltuntergangsprediger Nekrotzar eine fast heldenbaritonale Wucht verleiht.“